BitMEX is committed to providing educational materials for the Bitcoin trading community. As more and more traders switch to futures trading, we want to help educate them on basic and advanced trading strategies. Our series of arbitrage webinars will focus on the basics of futures trading, arbitrage, and basis trading strategies. The webinars will be lead by Arthur Hayes the CEO of BitMEX.
In his previous life, Arthur spent 5 years as the head Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) market maker on the Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges at Deutsche Bank and Citibank. He also ran equity index future arbitrage across the major Asian ex. Japan Australia markets.
Topics covered in Lesson 1:
- Differences between spot, margin, and futures trading
- Differences between quanto and inverse futures contracts
- Basics of pricing quanto and inverse futures contracts
The webinar will air Friday 8 January 2016 at 03:00 GMT.
You can listen live, and after the presentation ask questions. If you are unable to tune in, a recording will be made available shortly after the broadcast is finished.
Supporting Materials: