Updates to Multi Asset Margining: 60% Reduction in Haircuts and Adding SOL as Collateral

We are introducing major updates to the Multi Asset Margining feature on BitMEX, including a reduced haircut of 60% and adding SOL (Solana) as a margin currency.  

As of 25 Feb at 07:00 UTC, users will be able to experience one of the lowest value haircuts of 2% for assets like USDT, USDC, and BTC (XBT).

From 4 Mar at 07:00 UTC, users will be able to use SOL (on top of USDT, USDC, ETH, and BTC) to trade any derivatives contract on our platform.

For more details on the update, read our blog. You can also refer to this article to learn about how Multi Asset Margining works, and how to enable it for your account. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact Support.