Updates to BitMEX Indices and Quarterly Futures Listings in Q2 of 2022

On 16 March 2022 at 04:00 UTC, BitMEX will list new quarterly Futures. Please refer to our blog for the listings and settlements of our current and upcoming futures contracts for Q2 of 2022 (available in Testnet now). 

Please note the changes to the contract size of our new linear futures contracts, and update your relevant systems accordingly to avoid any potential disruption in trading.

On 25 March 2022 at 12:00:05 UTC, BitMEX will update its indices across all products. The affected indices will be:





Please note that the hypothetical values of the indices with new weights are published as part of the “NEXT” index family (e.g. .BXBT_NEXT).

Please refer to our blog for index weights and further details.