Reduction in Base Maintenance Margin – XBT and ETH Series – 17 April 2020

BitMEX reduced its Base Maintenance Margin requirements for the XBT Series and ETH Series today, 17 April 2020, at 0100 UTC for a trial period.  Base Initial Margin requirements remain unchanged. The reduced requirements are:

Symbols Previous MM% New MM%
XBTUSD, XBTM20, XBTU20 0.50% 0.45%
ETHUSD, ETHM20 1.00% 0.90%

Please note that the cap on the absolute Funding Rate will increase (defined as 75% x (Initial Margin – Maintenance Margin)). The cap on Funding Rate changes between Funding Intervals (defined as 75% of Maintenance Margin) will reduce.

Please see our blog post for further details.