Important: Lot Size Change on XBTUSD Swap and Futures – Moving to 100 Contract Lot Size Effective 8 June

We are changing the Lot Size, or minimum trading unit, on the XBTUSD Swap and XBT futures (XBTM21 ,XBTU21 and future listings) from 1 contract to 100 contracts, effective 04:30 UTC on 8 June 2021.  At this time on 8 June, open positions and open orders that are Odd Lot will be rounded down to the nearest ‘Round Lot’ by closing out Odd Lots at Mark Price (without fee). Open positions that are below 100 contracts, if not adjusted, will be closed out at Mark Price without fee as well. 

The Lot Size for each Instrument will be reflected on our front end and our /instrument API endpoint.

Traders are requested to adjust their positions, strategies, and systems to account for this change. 

We expect a 10-second pause in trading starting at 04:30 UTC on 8 June 2021 to apply the Lot Size change. Messages sent during this time will be queued and processed only once the change has been completed.

More detailed blogs regarding the change will be published soon. Should you have any other questions, please contact Support.