BitMEX has extended Calvin Kim’s Bitcoin developer grant until November 2022, a six month extension from the previous grant, which expires at the end of this month.
Commenting on the grant, Calvin said:
I’m extremely grateful for BitMEX’s continued support of my work. This past year, I was able to make much progress on exploring the protocol rules that would make Utreexo nodes a reality. Lately, I have been focused on the research and implementation of new accumulator algorithms that are simpler, more efficient, and produce more compact proofs. I believe these new algorithms will make Utreexo an even better proposal than before. With the renewed grant, I will further progress this research on the new accumulator algorithms and hope to bring efficient and compact nodes to the Bitcoin community.
BitMEX CEO Alexander Hoeptner made the following remark:
BitMEX is proud to continue to financially support open source Bitcoin development. We have recently decided to continue our support for five Bitcoin developers and researchers and Calvin marks the end of this round of grant renewals. This takes our grant program into its fourth year and we have provided our grantees with stable long term funding. This is one of the most important endeavours of the firm and something we are keen to continue.
The grant is based on the open source template grant contract. BitMEX, the platform which invented the perpetual swap contract, is proud to support open source Bitcoin development and engineering, aimed at improving Bitcoin’s robustness, scalability and privacy.