Changes to REST API

As part of our continuous improvements to the BitMEX platform, at approximately 08:20 UTC on 4 October 2021, we made the following changes to the REST API in Testnet:

  • A new optional parameter currency was added to the following endpoints. If no currency is passed, by default XBt will be assumed to ensure backwards compatibility.
    • GET /user/depositAddress
    • GET /user/margin
    • POST /user/requestWithdrawal
    • GET /user/wallet
    • GET /user/walletHistory
    • GET /user/walletSummary
    • GET /user/affiliateStatus
  • In addition, currency=all is now supported for the following endpoints. An array will be returned in this case.
    • GET /user/margin
    • GET /user/wallet
    • GET /user/walletHistory
    • GET /user/walletSummary
    • GET /user/affiliateStatus  

These changes will be made in Production at a later time. A further announcement will be made prior to the changes going live.

Should you have any questions, please contact Support.