Change to Quote Value Ratio Trading Rule

Following the recent successful launch and analysis of the Quote Value Ratio (QVR) Trading Rule, we have increased the number of Free Quotes (Qfree) allowed to 2000, effective immediately. Qfree represents the number of quotes that users can place each hour without being subject to the rule. This change will allow users to better manage their orders which sit further away from the top of the book, providing additional liquidity to the exchange and its users.

The QVR rule helps to increase overall quoting efficiency on the platform through limiting the number of individual quotes and amount of capacity a trader can utilise if providing little or no trading value for other BitMEX users. At this time, the rule applies to XBTUSD quotes only.

 We will continue to monitor activity on the exchange and review these thresholds on an ongoing basis. See our Trading Rules page for the latest information on thresholds. 

If you have any further queries, please contact Support.