We are making a change to our Websocket API that may impact API users’ integration.
Removing support for /realtimemd
Support for subscribing to multiple accounts via the WebSocket was added with the Sub Account functionality. Therefore, from 15 April 2025, we will be removing support for the legacy /realtimemd endpoint (https://www.bitmex.com/app/wsAPI#Multiplexing)
Action Required
For documentation on how users can subscribe to multiple accounts via the WebSocket, please view the documentation here: https://www.bitmex.com/app/subAccountGuide#Private-Data-Feed-Subscription
Release Schedule
The planned release date for this change is 15 April 2025. Please make the necessary adjustments to your integration before this time to avoid any disruptions.
We appreciate your attention to this matter and apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Support.