In preparation for Multi Asset Margining support on the BitMEX platform we are introducing a new synthetic asset called MAMUSd.
The changes have been available in Production from 1 Oct 2024.
What is Changing?
A new Asset with “Synthetic” currency type will be added to the response of the /api/v1/wallet/assets endpoint.
"asset": "MAMUSD",
"currency": "MAMUSd",
"majorCurrency": "MAMUSD",
"name": "Multi Asset Margin USD",
"currencyType": "Synthetic",
"scale": 6,
"enabled": true,
"isMarginCurrency": false,
"minDepositAmount": null,
"minWithdrawalAmount": null,
"maxWithdrawalAmount": null,
"memoRequired": false,
"networks": [
"asset": "bitmex",
"depositEnabled": false,
"withdrawalEnabled": false,
"withdrawalFee": null,
"minFee": null,
"maxFee": null
] }
Why are we making this change?
As a preparation of supporting Multi Asset Margining on the BitMEX platform we need to extend our asset universe to support a universal USD value. Watch out for updates on full MaM support
If you have any questions about these upcoming changes, please contact Support.
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