Trading Engine Interruption, 20 December 2019

Between 04:52:11 UTC and 04:53:47 UTC on 20 December 2019, the trading engine stopped all operations as a result of an infrastructure related issue. No data was lost during this time, and upon resolution 95 seconds later the trading engine continued normal operations.

As there was no activity in the trading engine during this time, there were no data updates published via the Websocket API. During this 95 second period, requests made via the REST API (e.g. new/amend/cancel order requests and queries for public or private data) returned an HTTP status 500 response (server side error). Similarly, new subscription requests via the Websocket API during this time returned an error.

The infrastructure issue was identified shortly before the incident via our internal alerting and resolved by 04:53:47 UTC. Root cause of the issue has been identified and steps implemented to prevent a similar issue from recurring. We have improved our infrastructure monitoring to detect and alert about potential issues much sooner.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any further questions, please contact Support via our contact form.